To be successful in most businesses the ability to network successfully should be a vital part of your strategy. Networking with other business professionals can be done in person, or online. Here we’ll be looking at 10 ways you can build a great network.
What Does Networking Mean?
Networking is simply the process of meeting other people in business and exchanging information. It allows you to develop a list of valuable professional contacts and build mutually beneficial relationships.
These contacts can be helpful in several ways:
• Collaboration – Allowing you to offer additional services to your clients which complement your own.
• Clients – Having clients sent your way who require your particular skill set.
• Assistance – Giving you help with your own business needs.
Having a good network on hand can simplify your business life by making it easier to find who you need when you need them.
How do you Network Successfully?
Successful networking is like any other business skill, it’s just a matter of learning where to make connections. It doesn’t matter if you meet these people online or at an event. Here are my top tips:
1. Attend events
2. Make connections online
3. Be memorable
4. Be confident
5. Join the conversation
6. Nurture relationships
7. Stay connected
8. Help members of your network
9. Reignite old connections
10. Create your own networking group
1. Attend events
In recent times attending events hasn’t been so easy to do, but now the ability to move around freely again, is opening up new possibilities. Many people are more eager than ever to meet others and establish new connections, so don’t miss out. Networking events, trade shows, markets, even coffee mornings, can all be good ways to meet other business people who could be beneficial contacts.
Many events are advertised online, especially on your local social media pages. You can also find them in the local or national press.
2. Make connections online
You don’t always need to meet people face to face these days. Getting involved with online groups or attending virtual events can be just as good a way of finding new connections.
Ensure you have a strong professional profile built on various social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Work on building your connections by adding additional people to your list of contacts each week.
This can be done by getting involved with what’s happening online, and being seen, so people notice you. Think about friends and aquaintances you already know. Some of them could also be helpful business contacts.
Don’t be afraid of your competition. Connecting with other professionals in your field can help you in various ways; you can learn their strategies or share information. Show interest in their work to build rapport.
3. Be memorable
Wherever you go, never forget to bring your business card. These don’t have to be the paper kind any more; today you can use digital business cards that people take by capturing a QR code on your phone containing all your details and linking to your website and social media pages.
If you’re still old school, make sure your business card is memorable. Give it sharp graphics, bold colours and clear print – it needs to stand out and you can even add your photo!
Also, ensure you dress well in clothes that are professional, but that also have a touch of individuality so people remember you.
At online events, make sure you ask plenty of questions or share valuable information.
4. Be confident
At your first few events, either online or in person, it can feel quite intimidating to get involved. You can overcome this fear by doing some preparation. Think about what kinds of conversations are likely to occur and create some intelligent questions and responses and how you want to introduce yourself.
At in-person events, don’t be afraid of approaching people and introducing yourself. Ask them about themselves and what they do. Make eye contact, smile and speak clearly. Share contact details.
5. Join the conversation
You need to be heard in the right way. Demonstrate your knowledge without being pushy and make sure what you add to the conversation is of value.
Use peoples’ names when you address them and always be polite. Don’t just talk about yourself. Show interest in the person you are talking to and what they do. Find out about their hobbies, family, interests and make a personal connection with them over any common ground.
6. Nurture relationships
Once you’ve made a connection, you need to nurture it. This can be done by contacting them again following your initial meeting. Send a social media ‘friend request’ or invite them to join your social media group.
Don’t forget it’s a two-way street. Offer to share their social media content or promote their business to your contacts too.
7. Stay connected
Just like any other relationship, you need to stay connected and keep building and strengthening the bonds. You can share information you think will be of interest, follow their work and comment regularly, or even meet in person.
8. Help members of your network
The whole point of networking is to help not just yourself but each other. Keep connected to your contacts on social media and listen to what they are saying. If they ask for help, try to provide valuable solutions.
If a member of your network reaches out to you personally, try to assist them. Hopefully, one day, the favour will be reciprocated.
9. Reignite old connections
When you’ve built up a good number of connections, some of the first ones you made can sometimes be forgotten. Re-establish them by commenting on posts or sending a friendly catch-up email. Ask how they’re doing.
10. Create your own networking group
Finally, you can always create your own network group, either a virtual one, or an in-person one, even both! Hold regular events, invite interesting guest speakers and give value to everyone in your group. This will keep their interest in you and what you do.
Happy networking!