A balancing act: Juggling your business and family life during the summer holidays

by Jennifer Chamberlin
June 2024


This month I'm happy to share this article written by Adeline, one of my associates.  It's for all the parents out there who have to juggle their businesses and their family lives during the summer.

The holidays bring joy, warmth, and, for many parents, the challenge of balancing business and family life. Running a business from home while caring for children during the holiday season can feel like a juggling act, but with some planning and creativity, you can manage both successfully. Here are some practical tips to help you navigate this busy time.

Create a flexible schedule

Flexibility is key when you’re balancing work and family. Instead of a rigid 9-5 schedule, break your workday into chunks that fit around your children’s needs and activities. Early mornings and late evenings can be great times to focus on work while your kids are asleep. Use tools like Google Calendar to map out your day and include both work tasks and family time.

Set clear boundaries

Establishing boundaries helps manage expectations. Let your children know when you’re working and when you’re available to spend time with them. A visual cue, like a closed door or a “do not disturb” sign, can be helpful for older children. For younger kids, consider creating a play area near your workspace so they can be close by without interrupting you constantly.

Engage children in holiday activities

Keep your children entertained with holiday-themed activities. Crafts, baking, and decorating can keep them occupied and foster a festive atmosphere. You can even involve them in your business by having them help with simple tasks, like packaging products or organizing supplies. This not only keeps them busy but also gives them a sense of involvement, you can also sign them up to outside activities like a summer playcentre

Utilise quiet time

Take advantage of quiet times in the day, such as nap times or when your children are engrossed in a movie or a favourite activity. Use these moments to tackle your most critical work tasks. Noise-cancelling headphones can also be a great investment to help you focus when your kids are around.

Leverage technology

Technology can be a lifesaver. Use video conferencing tools for meetings, productivity apps to keep track of tasks, and educational apps to engage your kids. If possible, automate parts of your business to reduce the workload. For example, schedule social media posts in advance or set up automated email responses.

Enlist help when you can

Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Whether it’s hiring a babysitter for a few hours, asking a family member to watch the kids, or organizing a playdate with a friend’s children, having some extra hands can make a big difference. Sharing the load allows you to focus on your business without feeling guilty about not spending every moment with your kids.

Prioritise self-care

Amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s essential to take care of yourself. Schedule regular breaks to relax and recharge. Even a short walk or a quick meditation session can boost your energy and improve your focus. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup; taking care of yourself ensures you can take care of your family and business effectively.

Embrace the imperfection

Understand that it’s okay if everything doesn’t go as planned. Some days will be more chaotic than others, and that’s perfectly normal. Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the moments with your children. After all, the holidays are about creating memories and enjoying time with loved ones.

Navigating between running a business and family responsibilities during the school holidays is a significant challenge. However, with thoughtful planning and a good dose of flexibility, it is entirely doable. By applying these few tips, you can create wonderful memories with your family while continuing to manage your business.

Image by William Fortunato on Pexels