Optimise your VA: Best practices for effective delegation and outsourcing

by Jennifer Chamberlin
March 2024


The use of virtual assistants (VAs) is on the rise, and for good reason. VAs can significantly improve your organisation's productivity and efficiency, helping you to implement key optimisation strategies. But before you dive into the world of delegation and outsourcing, it's important to lay some groundwork.

Before you start using a VA

Before you embark on your journey with a VA, take a moment to do some introspection. Understanding your own needs and workload is crucial. Conducting a time audit can provide valuable insights into where your time is spent.

Here's a step-by-step guide to implementing a time audit:

Set objectives: Clearly define the objectives of your time audit. Determine what you hope to achieve by analysing your time usage, such as increasing productivity, identifying areas for improvement, or gaining a better understanding of your work habits.
Choose a time frame: Decide on the duration of your time audit. You can conduct a time audit for a week, two weeks, or a month, depending on your preferences and the level of detail you desire. Longer time frames provide more comprehensive data but may require more effort to analyse.

Select tracking methods: Choose how to track your time during the audit. You can use various methods, including manual tracking with pen and paper, spreadsheets, time-tracking apps, or specialised time-tracking software. Select the method that best fits your preferences and workflow.

Identify categories: Determine the categories or activities you want to track during the audit. Common categories include - work-related tasks, meetings, emails, administrative tasks, breaks, leisure activities, and personal tasks. Be specific but flexible enough to accommodate different types of activities.

Track your time: Start tracking your time diligently according to the chosen method and categories. Record the start and end times of each activity, along with any relevant details or observations. Be honest and accurate in your tracking to ensure reliable data.

Review and analyse data: Once the audit period is complete, review and analyse the data collected. Calculate the total time spent on each activity or category and identify trends, patterns, and areas of inefficiency. Look for activities that consume a disproportionate amount of time or contribute little value to your goals.

Reflect on findings: Reflect on the findings of your time audit and consider the implications for your productivity and time management practices. Identify areas where you can make improvements or adjustments to optimise your time usage and prioritise tasks more effectively.

Make adjustments: Based on your analysis and reflections, make adjustments to your daily routine, habits, or workflows to address any inefficiencies or time-wasting activities identified during the audit. Implement strategies to better allocate your time, eliminate distractions, and focus on high-priority tasks.

Monitor progress: Continuously monitor your time usage and productivity after implementing changes based on the time audit findings.

Track your progress over time and make further adjustments as needed to ensure ongoing improvement and optimisation.

Repeat regularly: Conduct time audits periodically to track your progress, reassess your time management practices, and identify new opportunities for improvement. Regular time audits help you maintain accountability, stay focused on your goals, and make continuous strides toward greater productivity and efficiency.

By following these steps to effectively implement a time audit you will gain valuable insights into your time usage, improve your productivity, and make more informed decisions about how to allocate your time and resources effectively.

Next follow the mantra of "defer, delegate, do and ditch"

This is a productivity framework that helps you to prioritise tasks based on their importance and urgency. Each step represents a different action to take regarding a task, allowing you to manage your time and focus on what matters most.

Here's a breakdown of each step:

Defer: Tasks that fall into the "defer" category are those that are important but not urgent. These tasks may require attention in the future but can be postponed for the time being. Examples of deferred tasks include long-term projects, strategic planning, or things that depend on external factors.

Delegate: Tasks that can be delegated are those which can be assigned to someone else to complete. Delegation is a powerful tool for freeing up time and resources, allowing you to focus on higher-priority activities that align with your strengths. When delegating tasks, it's important to consider the skills and capabilities of the person to whom the task is being assigned to ensure successful completion.

Do: Tasks that fall into the "do" category are those that are both important and urgent. These require immediate attention and should be prioritised to prevent them from becoming more pressing or causing delays. Examples of tasks that fall into the "do" category include responding to urgent emails, meeting deadlines, or handling time-sensitive issues.

Ditch: Tasks that fall into the "ditch" category are those that are neither important nor urgent. These tasks are often low-value or unnecessary, and spending time on them can detract from more important priorities. Ditching tasks involves eliminating or minimising activities that do not contribute to your goals or overall productivity. Examples of tasks that may be ditched include unproductive meetings, excessive administrative work, or activities that do not align with your priorities.

By applying the "defer, delegate, do, and ditch" framework, you can effectively prioritise tasks, manage your time more efficiently, and focus your efforts on activities that have the greatest impact on your goals and objectives.

Identify the tasks that only you can do - the frogs you have to eat - and allocate specific blocks of time to them. Set your top three daily priorities to ensure that each day is a positive step towards your success.

Delegate effectively to your VA

Effective delegation starts with setting up systems and processes. If you're not sure what systems to use or how to set them up, ask your VA first, as they'll probably have used some before. Once your systems are in place, break tasks down into manageable steps. Use standard operating procedures (SOPs), or have your VA write them for you. Open communication and feedback are key. Set deadlines, milestones and goals clearly to ensure things stay on track and to avoid problems as you move forward.

Here are five essential systems or processes that you may want to implement in your business:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system: A CRM system is essential for managing interactions with current and potential customers. It allows you to track customer information, communication history, sales opportunities, and marketing campaigns in one centralised database. With a CRM system, you can streamline customer communication, personalise interactions, and identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling. Popular CRM platforms include Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM.

Project management systems: A project management system helps your team organise, track, and collaborate on projects effectively. It enables you to create project timelines, assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress in real-time. By centralising project-related information and communication, a project management system improves transparency, accountability, and efficiency across your team. Examples of project management tools include Asana, Trello, and Monday.com.

Time tracking and invoicing software: Utilise time tracking and invoicing software to monitor the hours worked by freelancers and accurately bill clients for their services. These tools typically allow you to track billable hours, create invoices, and manage payments efficiently. Popular options include Harvest, Toggl, and FreshBooks.

Document management system (DMS): A document management system helps you organise, store, and share documents securely within your organisation. It centralises document storage, version control, and access permissions, making it easier for team members to collaborate and access the information they need. A DMS improves document security, reduces paper clutter, and enhances productivity by streamlining document workflows. Examples of document management systems include Google Drive, Dropbox Business, and Microsoft SharePoint.

Legal and contract templates: Utilise legal and contract templates to establish clear agreements and terms of engagement with freelancers. Websites like Rocket Lawyer, LegalZoom, or Docracy provide a variety of customisable templates for contracts, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), service agreements, and other legal documents tailored to freelance engagements.  If you're in the UK, then we highly recommend Koffeefklatch.

Building trust and collaboration with your VA

Recognise that communication styles can vary. It's important to share your expectations and allow your VA to articulate theirs. Empower your VA to make decisions and suggestions. Recognize and reward their efforts and give praise when it is deserved. Trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship, so nurture it carefully.

Overcome challenges and adjust strategies

Challenges will inevitably arise. Don't rely solely on written communication; be prepared to jump on a phone call or video conference to resolve misunderstandings promptly. Use setbacks as opportunities to grow and adapt. Seek input from your VA to continually improve processes. Flexibility is crucial - be open to experimenting with new approaches.

Effective delegation and outsourcing boils down to clear communication and trust. By sharing your goals with your VA, you empower them to apply the right strategies for optimal performance. Remember, collaboration is a journey, not a destination. Cultivate an environment of openness, adaptability and mutual respect and watch your partnership flourish.
Incorporating these best practices into your approach to working with a VA will not only maximise their potential, but also unlock new levels of efficiency and productivity for your business. As the remote working landscape continues to evolve, mastering the art of effective delegation and outsourcing will be critical to your success.