The power of volunteering: how giving back fuels personal growth and community connection

by Jennifer Chamberlin
September 2024


Volunteering has always been something I’ve been passionate about, but over time, it has become much more than just a way to fill my schedule. It’s a profound opportunity to give back to my community, help those in need, and grow as a person in ways I never expected. It may seem like a selfless act, but what many people don’t realize is how much personal fulfilment and growth can come from it. Volunteering has enriched my life and taught me valuable lessons, helping me see the world from new perspectives.

The impact of giving back

For me, volunteering represents the chance to contribute to something bigger than myself. Whether it’s supporting a cause close to my heart or simply being there for someone who needs help, the act of giving back is incredibly fulfilling. It allows me to channel my energy and skills into activities that truly make a difference.

When I volunteer, I know that my efforts are helping to strengthen the community. Whether it's in a girl-led organisation, at a world-renowned sporting event, or supporting other business owners at their events, I have seen firsthand the impact that small, consistent actions can have. These contributions may seem small on their own, but collectively, they have a ripple effect that can change lives and uplift entire communities.

The most rewarding part is the direct interaction with the people or causes I’m supporting. It’s one thing to donate money to an organization, but it’s a completely different experience to be out there, engaging directly with those in need. The smiles, gratitude, and sense of connection I experience from people I help is incredibly heartwarming and motivates me to continue. It’s in those moments that I’m reminded of how much good we can do, simply by showing up and giving our time.

Personal growth and skill development

While volunteering is primarily about giving back, it’s impossible to overlook the personal growth that comes along with it. One of the unexpected benefits I’ve discovered is how much I’ve learned and grown through these experiences. Volunteering offers countless opportunities to develop new skills and hone existing ones.

I’ve been able to build leadership skills by organizing and coordinating volunteer efforts, managing teams of people, and working closely with different organizations. I’ve learned to be adaptable and resourceful, solving problems in real time when plans go off track. Volunteering has also taught me patience, empathy, and effective communication skills. These are qualities that I carry with me in my daily life, at work, and in personal relationships.

Beyond these practical skills, volunteering has also given me a broader understanding of the world around me. It has opened my eyes to different social issues and the challenges that many people face. When you step outside of your own life and spend time in the shoes of others, your worldview changes. You become more compassionate, more aware, and more determined to be part of the solution.

For example, volunteering in a girl-led organisation has shown me the value of girl only spaces, where girls can try new activities, make new friends, take their place in their communities and travel the world.  Helping people with mobility issues at the Olympic and Paralympic Games has deepened my understanding of the challenges they face on a daily basis and see for myself the improvements our society needs to make in accessibility.  These experiences have not only educated me but have also fuelled my desire to continue helping and advocating for change.

Building meaningful connections

Another benefit of volunteering that I didn’t anticipate is the incredible network of people I’ve met along the way. Volunteering has introduced me to individuals from all walks of life, people I likely wouldn’t have crossed paths with otherwise. From fellow volunteers to the community members we serve, these relationships have added a richness to my life that goes beyond the volunteer work itself.

The people I’ve met through volunteering are often like-minded individuals who share my passion for helping others. Being surrounded by such positive, motivated people is inspiring and keeps me energized. Many of these people have become friends, mentors, and even collaborators on future projects. Volunteering creates a sense of camaraderie that is hard to find elsewhere.

Additionally, these connections often open doors to new opportunities. Whether it’s a professional lead or a new volunteer project, being part of a strong volunteer network exposes me to experiences and chances for growth that I wouldn’t have encountered otherwise.

Staying connected and making a lasting impact

One of the most beautiful aspects of volunteering is that it allows me to stay connected to the community in a meaningful way. Life can get busy, and it’s easy to become disconnected from what’s happening around us. Volunteering forces me to step outside my own bubble and stay engaged with the world. It reminds me of the importance of community and the role we all play in making it a better place.

In many ways, volunteering is a continuous cycle. The more I give, the more I feel I receive in terms of personal growth, relationships, and a sense of purpose. It’s a way to keep my values aligned with my actions, ensuring that I’m contributing positively to the world in whatever way I can.

Volunteering as a path to fulfilment and a way of life

Volunteering is not just about giving; it’s about growing. It’s an opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of others while also gaining new skills, building lasting relationships, and developing a deeper understanding of the world. Every time I volunteer, I walk away with a sense of fulfilment that I just wouldn’t have if I stayed at home.

If you’ve ever considered volunteering, I encourage you to take the leap. The rewards are far greater than you might expect. It’s a powerful way to connect, contribute, and grow—both for yourself and for the wider world.